The Science of Energy Bands
Although we may not consciously think about it, energy is an extremely important part of modern life. Whether we are playing sports, working, or going about our daily routines, we need energy. An unfortunate consequence of modern life however, is that we often lack the energy to perform at our optimum levels. Luckily for us, a modern world comes with modern solutions. Holographic energy bands are one such solution which has been getting a lot of buzz around the world. They use ancient knowledge in a modern way to help people keep up with the demands of modern life and operate at peak performance.
What Is A Holographic Energy Band?
Holographic energy bands are also known as scalar energy bands. They are bracelet-like bands made from high quality silicone infused with negative ions. Contained within the band is a holographic disc where the “magic” happens.
How Does It Work?
It was mentioned earlier that Energy Bands use ancient knowledge in a modern way. The holographic disc works by activating the acupuncture meridians through which chi (life force) is believed to flow through. In this way, the energy bands help to ensure that this fundamental energy is channeled along the meridians to exactly where they need to be in order to give you maximized balance, strength, and energy. These bands can be worn during athletic performance to improve it or simply throughout daily life to give you that much needed boost that modern life requires.
That Sounds Cool But Where Is The Science To Back It Up?
Acupuncture has been used as a form of treatment for ailments and improving bodily efficiency since 100 BC. The holographic energy bands have simply made it possible to get those same benefits (by accessing the same meridians) but without the needles.
Studies On The Science of Energy Bands
Various studies have shown that when worn, energy bands can result in a marked improvement in performance by those wearing them.
One study at the University of Alabama had participants either wear a placebo or an actual holographic disc to evaluate whether the holographic disc had any impact on delayed onset muscle soreness. They did this by having participants in the study do various exercises and evaluating their performance during the exercises and again (doing the same exercises) after a certain period of time. The study found that the athletes wearing the energy bands were able to repeat higher repetitions of exercises, felt more recovered after the same amount of rest (reduced incidence of delayed muscle soreness), and felt that they didn’t have to work as hard. The energy bands may therefore help to reduce muscle fatigue which can improve performance and energy levels.
Another study, performed at the Troy University evaluated “The Effects of Holographic Technology on Resting Heart Rate in Division 1 football players. In this study, players resting heart rates were determined to get their baseline values. They were then allowed to complete their off-season training programs. 29 participants were fitted with actual holographic energy bands and 29 others (the control group) were fitted with placebos. Although both the experimental and the control groups showed lowered resting heart rates when compared to their baselines (probably due to the impact of the off-season training), the mean change of the exercise group was much greater than the control groups. The experimental group’s resting heart rate decreased by a mean of 6.89 beats per minute compared to the control group who’s resting heart rate decreased by a mean of 2.55 beats per minute despite starting off with similar values. The energy bands may therefore help to reduce resting heart rates which has a significant effect on performance and cardiovascular health.
Energy bands are therefore an exciting way of improving your body’s performance. Whether it is on the field or in the boardroom, the bands work by accessing acupuncture pathways to ensure that your body is functioning as effectively as it should. Many studies have shown the benefits of the holographic discs in improving performance. Contact Miracle Balance on 866-625-0087 to find out more.